Impact Insider: Global Warming and IPCC

This Impact Insider isn’t just about global warming. We’re zooming in on the groundbreaking efforts and strategies to reverse our trajectory.

March 4, 2024


Ever felt like we’re racing against time with our planet’s health on the line?

It’s because, in many ways, we are. The global conversation around climate change often circles around a critical threshold—a line in the sand we dare not cross if we hope to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of global warming. 

But what happens if we stumble beyond that line? Is there a way back?

This edition of Impact Insider isn’t just about the looming shadow of that threshold, or the guilt associated. We’re zooming in on the groundbreaking efforts and strategies that could potentially reverse our trajectory. It’s about asking tough questions and exploring bold solutions to address what many see as our most formidable challenge yet.

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This isn’t about mere damage control; it’s about potentially dialing back the clock on climate change. This is an ambitious yet necessary pursuit that calls for innovation and unwavering resolve.

A Deeper Dive: Understanding the 1.5°C Threshold

Stepping into the spotlight, CDR skillfully pulls CO2 from the atmosphere to counteract emissions. It’s an essential tool in our climate action arsenal, aiming to keep global temperatures from crossing that critical 1.5°C line.

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What We’re Reading

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They’re not just talking the talk; they’re walking the walk, stressing the need for us to hustle—like, yesterday—to make some major moves in carbon management. They’ve nudged world leaders, saying “it’s go-time for ramping up our efforts, especially in the next decade or two”, handing them a playbook as they do.

Where do you fit in?

As we unpack the significance of surpassing the global warming threshold and the pioneering solutions at our disposal, your voice matters.

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Comment below to share your take. Let’s navigate this conversation together, understanding the stakes and exploring the solutions that could redefine our collective future.

This content was originally posted on our weekly Impact Insider Newsletter. Want to get our Impact Insider Newsletter straight to your inbox every Tuesday? Sign up below!